TFRW Regents Program
The Tennessee Federation of Republican Women (TFRW) is a grassroots volunteer political group organized to promote Republican values and to help Republican candidates be elected. TFRW is a member of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) which was founded in 1938 and has over 75,000 members.
Since its founding in 1955, the Tennessee Federation of Republican Women has championed the cause of engaging, educating and empowering women in the political process and providing a forum for women to serve as leaders in the political and civic arenas.
The Tennessee Regents donor program has been established to play a key role in helping the TFRW fulfill its primary mission of bringing more women to the table. The generous contributions of our Regents will help us to accomplish this mission by financially supporting a wide range of TFRW education and training programs, special projects, networking events, special speakers and other activities that help Republican women stay informed, develop skills and achieve their goals at the grassroots, state and national levels.
$300.00 Annually
As an honored Tennessee Regent, you will receive these special benefits.
- Private receptions/events held in your honor, featuring notable Republican guests
- Networking opportunities with Republican dignitaries
- Listing in Ladies’ Day and Convention Programs
- Preferred seating at Convention Meals
- Invitation to special events (reception/lunch/dinner) in conjunction with Ladies’ Day and Convention
- Listing on the TFRW Website in Regents Section
- An exclusive membership pin
If you would like to play a greater role at the State level and help invest in the future of Republican Women, become a TFRW Regent today.
Contact TFRW Regents Chairwoman, Jennifer Little, 352 Koasati Road, Bean Station, TN 37708, Mt Juliet, TN 37122 phone: 423-736-0731 email: Jennifer Little or click the link here and download your application and JOIN US TODAY!
Revised: 1/1/24
Regents Application 2024-2025 PDF
TFRW Regents – 2022
Revised 9/8/22
First Name | Last Name |
Debbie | Ballard |
Deborah | Bailey |
Sharon | Boreing |
Stacey | Brewer |
Betty | Cannon |
Helene Singer | Cash |
Kathleen | Everett |
Judith | Fischer |
Willi | Frank |
Jean W | Huntsman |
Susan | Kirk |
Pam | Kelley |
Linda D | Kollmann |
Peggy | Larkin |
Jennifer | Little |
Joann “Jody” | McGee |
Cyndi | Miller |
Tempra | Mosley |
Sharon | Ohsfeldt |
Norma | Otto |
Lora | Reis |
Bonnie | Siler |
Phyllis | Streiff |
Barbara | Trautman |
Teresa | Tuttle |

May 2019 Regent Dinner
Barbara | Blanton | Bedford Co. Rep Women |
Sharon | Boreing | Washington Co. RW |
Linda D. | Buckles | Greater Kingsport Republican Women |
Betty | Cannon | Nashville RW |
Linda | Casebier | Shelby County RWC |
Ida | Cotter | Hamilton County RWC |
Brenda | Davis | RW of Williamson Co. |
Toni | Eaton | Williamson Co. Rep. Career Women’s Club |
Willi | Frank | Montgomery Co. RW |
Millie | Gump | RW of Purpose |
Terrie | Hall | RW of Purpose |
Karen | Harris | Tipton Co. RW |
Thelma L. | Hawkes | RW of Henderson Co. |
Felicia | Hix | RW of Rutherford Co. |
Joy | Huggins | Montgomery Co. RW |
Suzanne | Jones | RW of Purpose |
Linda D. | Kollmann | Williamson Co. Rep. Career Women’s Club |
Peggy | Larkin | RW of Purpose |
Jennifer | Little | Grainger Co. RW |
Renae P. | Martin | Pickwick RW |
Joann “Jody” | McGee | Franklin Co. RW |
Cyndi | Miller | RW of Williamson Co. |
Rhonda | Mossing | Roane Co.RW |
Gale S. | Morton | Bristol Tn RW |
Terri | Nicholson | RW of Wilson Co. |
Sharon | Ohsfeldt | RW of Purpose |
Linda | Osborne | Greater Kingsport RW |
Norma | Otto | Mt. Juliet RW |
Annette | Pannell | Greater Kingsport RW |
Patti | Saliba | Republican Women of Rutherford County |
Maria C. | Stewart | Sumner Co. RW |
Mary | Stimek | RW of Wilson Co. |
Phyllis | Streiff | RW of Williamson Co. |
Marie | Tillman | Montgomery Co. RW |
Barbara | Trautman | RW of Purpose |
Teresa | Tuttle | Montgomery Co. RW |
Shirley | Ward | Tipton Co. RW |
Sharon | Webb | Shelby County RWC |
N’gaio | Wesenberg | Pickwick RW |
Lyn | Windsor | Shelby County RWC |
Susan | Witcher | Macon Co. RW |